My body, my rules


In a BDSM context, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, consent, and respect for all parties involved.

Any request that goes against these principles or involves non-consensual activities would be considered highly inappropriate and potentially harmful.

Some examples of worst requests in a BDSM context

1. Non-Consensual Activities: Any request for activities that are not negotiated or agreed upon by all parties involved. Consent is the cornerstone of BDSM play.

2. Ignoring Safe Words: Disregarding or pressuring someone to ignore their safe word, which is a clear violation of consent and can lead to dangerous situations.

3. Extreme or Dangerous Play Without Proper Preparation: Requests for activities that are inherently dangerous or require specialized knowledge without proper training or understanding of the risks involved.

Don’t cross limits and boundaries

4. Ignoring Limits: Disregarding established limits, which are boundaries set by participants to ensure their physical and emotional well-being.

5. Public Exposure Without Consent: Requesting or pressuring someone to engage in public play or exposure without their explicit consent. Thus, this type of scene would affect minors in a public space: be very careful about it!

6. Financial Exploitation: Demanding or pressuring someone to provide financial support or resources in a way that is exploitative or manipulative. Althought Findom games seem to be a new online trend, setting up clear limits is always mandatory.

7. Ignoring Aftercare: Neglecting the importance of aftercare, which is the process of tending to the physical and emotional needs of participants after a BDSM scene.

8. Ignoring Negotiated Roles: disregarding previously negotiated roles or dynamics within a BDSM relationship.

Listen to your partner with respect and attention

9. Pushing Unwanted Fetishes or Activities: pressuring someone to engage in specific fetishes or activities that they have explicitly stated they are not comfortable with.

10. Engaging with Minors or Non-Consenting Parties: any request or action that involves minors or individuals who are not able to give informed, legal consent. I received a lot of requests from online subs who want me to insult some family members or even their own wife: understand that humiliating someone who isn’t aware is basically mean and turns me off for real.

It is essential for all participants in BDSM activities to communicate openly, establish clear boundaries, and prioritize the well-being of everyone involved.

If a request goes against these principles, it should be firmly rejected. Always remember that safe, sane, and consensual (SSC) or risk-aware consensual kink (RACK) are fundamental principles in BDSM play.

Note that I offer my personal guidance and coaching in order to become a more aware and responsible kinkster. Feel freel to drop me a message to go through a personal consultancy session.