
Ms Sasha’s portrait for TDS club blog


I was honored to be contacted on Instagram for an interview for the TDS club blog .

As you know, sex work is still an occupancy and we shouln’t feel ashamed about who we are, what we do and why we love this job.

As I have explained in this interview, my practice is based on listening to my subs’ kinks, their dark side and support them to go deeper in the exploration of their perversion.

You can read the full interview in French only here below.

Ms Sasha’s portrait for TDS club blog2022-06-05T19:47:41+00:00

My First Interview Over Instagram Live for Fetish Kinsters


I have been contacted through social media by allyouneedisgloves , whose latex gloves are just stunning.

As Maxime, the brand owner, was staying connected to his community during the lockdown in France, he made the decision to extend his community by exploring the new European kinky scene.

This is how we began to discuss about our background, experiences and practices in BDSM. As you may know, people can explore the entire range of perversions that are particular for each of us.

My First Interview Over Instagram Live for Fetish Kinsters2021-03-26T13:23:46+00:00
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